The Boys are Back in Town

October 01, 2014 1 Comment

Happy Wagon Writer Wednesday!
A few weeks ago two of our Bed Bandits team members headed back to their old stomping grounds. Patrick (Co-Founder of Bed Bandits) and Paul are Holy Names University Alumni and they were teammates and roommates during their time there.
The boys received a warm welcome when they returned to their University bringing a product that was first invented on that campus. If you recall on our about us page we mentioned that Patrick came up with the original Bed Bandit design for a HNU Marketing class. This year he took what was once an idea and brought it to life. Things have come full circle.
Thank you to Holy Names University for all of the support you have shown our team. We are excited that we were able to help your students sleep better at night. Thanks for helping us help others. We cannot wait to head back to Holy Names University on November 1th to speak as part of the James Durbin Entrepreneurship Speaker Series. Thank you President Hynes for the invitation!

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March 14, 2021

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Packie and Bianca are working on their new/old venture .  FloBeds is handling Bed Bandit fulfillment.  Just follow this link to order toppers:  

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