Santa Clara University Partnership

September 08, 2015

One of my goals from the very beginning was to partner with the University I graduated from, Santa Clara University. They have been extremely supportive through this entire process and taught me everything I know. Sometimes I joke that Bed Bandits feels like one big marketing project, similar to the many I completed while I was in school.

As the orders roll in from Santa Clara University Freshman my heart fills with pride. I am so excited to have to opportunity to help the students sleep better at night. SCU Freshman please understand that you are supporting my dreams, helping others sleep better and ensuring that you have a great night's sleep.

SCU encourages helping others and dreaming big. I am doing both and I hope you can too. 

Make sure you place your order soon to get your topper on time.

Thanks for the support. Sleep tight!

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Packie and Bianca are working on their new/old venture .  FloBeds is handling Bed Bandit fulfillment.  Just follow this link to order toppers:  

This link will be at the bottom of each page.